Saturday, September 19, 2020

One Thin Dime


We were standing in the hallway as the housekeeper was assuring us our hotel room was clean. She looked down, picked up a dime, and smiled. “Do you know what this means?” We told her we did not, and she said, “You should look it up.” I didn’t look up the meaning of ‘finding a dime’ then because, well, I don’t much believe in those theories.


About a month later we were dining outdoors at a restaurant with some dear friends. Eventually the conversation turned to our summer travels and I told my ‘finding a dime story.’  I said that I don’t put stock in finding meaning in things like finding coins, seeing a cardinal in the backyard, things like that. Our friend said, ‘I do. Every time I see a cardinal in the backyard I believe it is a visit from my Mom. It means a lot to me.’  ‘Hm. I replied. Well, I believe that God does speak to us in different ways, and that there are ‘thin places’ through which we could get spiritual insights. But,  I don’t know that God would use cardinals and coins to reach us.’  My wife shot me a look that said something like, ‘OK Mr. Grump. Lighten up’ as she explained her own belief in close encounters that happen through thin places.


I was feeling a little guilty the rest of the meal for having rained on the parade. I mean, who am I to tell other people they shouldn’t believe in cardinals and coins as notes from loved ones, messages from angels passed through thin places?


As we left the table following dinner I realized I left my jacket on the chair so I walked back alone to our table. As I reached down to pick up my jacket, there, sitting on  the ground next to where our friend was seated, I saw it. I bent down and picked up that thin dime.  I told the others as I caught up to them, and we all paused as I looked up and read to everyone the meaning of finding a dime.  They all smiled at me with a look that said, ‘See Mr. Grump. Open your eyes.’


Alright, God. Message received. Thin dimes. Thin places.  Heaven is closer than we know.


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