Saturday, January 2, 2016

I Will Not Wish You 'Good Luck'

On January 1 one of the first emails I read said this: “In this New Year may good luck and good fortune always be with you.”  I wanted to reply and tell them to take it back, but I didn’t. It was from an organization I belong to and, I figure, someone told them they had to say something to the members on New Year’s Day, and the website editor had run out of creative ideas for the year, so what we got was a wish of “good luck.” 

Well, dear readers, I am not wishing you “good luck” this year because I do not believe in luck.  I am going to study “luck” this year, but for now, here is what I know:

  1. I do believe that there is God and that God made the Universe.
  2.  I do believe that “God does not play dice with the universe.” (Albert Einstein) By this I mean that God’s Laws of Nature explain much of what happens in life.
  3.    I do believe in Miracles, defined as occurrences for which there is no scientific or mathematical explanation, but are rather explained by the Hand of God.
  4. Therefore, I do believe in the Providence and Sovereignty of God. Thus,
  5.  I do not believe in luck, good or bad.
  6. I do not believe in fate, good or bad.
  7. But, I do believe that some of life’s experiences are explained only by “Mystery”; meaning, that when we stare into the Unknown what we see is hidden Light.

This means that your New Year is not subject to ‘luck’ or ‘good fortune’.  Your New Year is subject to outcomes which science and mathematics can predict and explain, and even in these explanations you can find the Providence of God. There will be outcomes you cannot understand, outcomes which no one can explain.  This is not evidence of God playing dice. It is evidence that God is wiser and more loving than the laws which God coded into the Universe. When the unexplained seems like love to you, then praise God for the miracle. When the unexplained seems like something other than love to you, pray that you can accept, for now, the Mystery: behind the Unknown is Pure Light.

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