Saturday, December 4, 2021

Playing With Words

 Luke 3:4 (Isaiah 40:3)  “Prepare the way for the Lord,

                                               make straight paths for him.”

 Two prophets of God, separated by about 600 years, offer this same encouragement to a people who wait for the Lord: prepare by making a straight path for his arrival.

 Two thousand or so years later we still read these same words, but what do they mean to us today? Here’s a little word game for this Advent season of waiting and preparing. Look at the list of December’s duties and place them in your current order of priority (1-10); then play again, placing them in the order of priority you believe would best prepare your life for Jesus to enter, bringing you a renewed sense of hope, love, joy, and peace.

 If the two lists differ in order, ask yourself why that is.  Do you want to know the comfort of Christ’s presence? Are you willing to prepare the way by making a straight pathway to your heart?

 Cooking. Church. Decorations. Devotions. Santa. Savior. Serving. Shopping. Work. Worship.

 Each of these words represent the reality of life during Advent. We choose the priorities.

 Play with the words.  Prepare the way for the Lord.


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