Friday, July 17, 2009

The Holiness of God

God is Holy. We are called to be Holy. And of course, we cannot be fully Holy...yet. We can be set apart, if that is one definition of holiness. We can be sanctified, a process of becoming Holy. But how can it be that we can be in the presence of a Holy God? This has been a quest for understanding for the earliest of human beings until today, and so it will be until Jesus the Christ returns.

I am not worthy of being in God's presence, and yet He draws me there. And it is in His presence that I know I am a child of God.

This religion we practice can only be understood as Mystery. And in the midst of the Mystery, in the depths of our longing, God reaches out with His Spirit to draw us into His inacessible Light. "The Unbearable Lightness of Being."

How shall I come to understand God and my relationship to Him? By being. By being in His Light. Remove these coals from my lips. Here am I, send me.

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