Saturday, December 25, 2021

Unto Whom is Born This Day?

 Luke 2:11 (KJV) For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

 Moonless night.  Sheep sleeping.  Shepherds watching.  Wolves lurking. Just like every other night.

 But tonight, no pack of wolves appeared. Instead, a lone angel of God appeared with a message the world had forgotten it was waiting to hear: Messiah is born unto you!

 Unto whom is born this day? Read it again. Slowly.

 “The little word ‘you’ should make us joyful. For unto whom does He speak? Unto wood or stones? …Has he come to save geese and ducks and cows? Nay, verily, He speaks to all people.” Martin Luther

 I might quibble with Martin over one of his famous mugs of beer, discussing his sermon.  All creation rejoices. The heavens sing. But I see his point.  What makes the Christmas story more than a curiosity for you is that it happened for you. God sent the Son to be born of Mary for you.

 Meditate a moment on that inscrutable truth. Unto you is born this day a Savior.

 Is this not reason enough to be merry today? Merry Christmas to you.

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